
distiller's grains Learn more about distiller's grains

  • Matters needing attention in feeding Beef cattle with Distiller's grains

    Matters needing attention in feeding Beef cattle with Distiller's grains

    Matters needing attention in feeding Beef cattle with Distiller's grains

  • Technology of raising cattle with Distiller's grains

    Technology of raising cattle with Distiller's grains

    Technology of raising cattle with Distiller's grains

  • Formula Technology of Feed for raising cattle with Distiller's grains

    Formula Technology of Feed for raising cattle with Distiller's grains

    Raising cattle with distiller's grains has always been a very common practice among cattle farmers. Cattle especially like to eat fermented products, while the fermented by-products of the distiller's grains brewing industry are full of flavor. Use distiller's grains to feed cattle, mixed with straw feed, beef cattle love to eat, after feeding

    2020-11-08 Lees raising cattle feed formula technology lees all the time
  • Technology of raising Chicken with Distiller's grains

    Technology of raising Chicken with Distiller's grains

    The main technology of raising chicken with distiller's grains is the production of distiller's grains, the fermented materials of distiller's grains include corn meal, bean curd dregs, soy water, rough health, etc., the fermentation ratio of bacteria liquid and materials is fully stirred according to 1 200, put into disinfection container, sealed and placed in a place where there is no sunlight.

    2020-11-08 Distiller's grains chicken raising technology abstract distiller's grains main is
  • Technical points of rich nutrition of distiller's grains as fattening dregs for fattening cattle

    Technical points of rich nutrition of distiller's grains as fattening dregs for fattening cattle

    Technical points of rich nutrition of distiller's grains as fattening dregs for fattening cattle

  • Formula of feed for raising pigs with distiller's grains

    Formula of feed for raising pigs with distiller's grains

    There are many kinds of feed for raising pigs, and now some people want to use distiller's grains as the main feed for raising pigs. What is the feed formula for raising pigs with distiller's grains? 1. Feed formula for raising pigs with distiller's grains 1. The weight of pigs is 10-20 kg. 50% of lees + 10% of corn + 10% of wheat bran (peanut cake or peanut cake or

    2020-11-11 Distiller's grains pig raising feed formula there are many many kinds.
  • Cattle feeding distiller's grains has many advantages.

    Cattle feeding distiller's grains has many advantages.

    Distiller's grains is the direct leftover in the process of brewing, it not only contains a certain proportion of grain (can save the concentrate for feeding cattle), but also contains rich crude protein, which is about 2-3 times higher than that of corn. at the same time, it also contains a variety of trace elements, vitamins, yeasts and so on, in which lysine, methionine and tryptophan are also very high, which can not be provided by crop straw. Compared with crop straw, the coarse composition of distiller's grains is also higher. Because the distiller's grains are all formed by fermentation and high temperature cooking, so it is thick.

  • What is distiller's grains? What is the benefit of raising geese?

    What is distiller's grains? What is the benefit of raising geese?

    Many people don't know what lees is. It looks red and smells like wine. It is also popular to raise some poultry with distiller's grains as feed, such as raising geese with distiller's grains. Let's learn more about lees and the benefits of raising geese with lees.

    2020-11-11 Distiller's grains what is it things use to raise geese benefit how about
  • After pig eats metronidazole, edible distiller's grains is poisoned, how should detoxify?

    After pig eats metronidazole, edible distiller's grains is poisoned, how should detoxify?

    After pig eats metronidazole, edible distiller's grains is poisoned, how should detoxify?

  • Diagnosis and treatment of pig distiller's grains poisoning

    Diagnosis and treatment of pig distiller's grains poisoning

    Pig lees poisoning is often caused by lack of other feed combinations due to long-term feeding of lees, or sudden feeding of a large number of lees or moldy lees. The toxic components of distiller's grains are alcohol remaining in distillers' grains, and organic acids and fusel oils produced by continuous fermentation and rancidity of distillers' grains, such as acetic acid, n-propanol, isobutanol and so on. 1. Clinical symptoms 6 35kg~45kg fattening pigs raised by a farmer showed poisoning symptoms after eating wine trough, and one of them died. At the initial stage of poisoning, the feed intake of pigs dropped sharply.

  • Matters needing attention in feeding distiller's grains to pigs

    Matters needing attention in feeding distiller's grains to pigs

    Distillers' grains are divided into white distillers' grains and beer lees. The dry matter, digestible energy and crude protein of distiller's grains are 32%, 3.36 megajoules and 7.5%, respectively. Beer dregs dry matter 14%, digestible energy 1.43 megajoules per kg, crude protein 3.6%. No matter distiller's grains or beer lees, they should be fed freshly, and they will become moldy and deteriorate after stacking for a long time. If you have more than one, you can put it into a large vat and soak it in water. Pregnant sows and lactating sows are not suitable for feeding to prevent abortion, stillbirth and so on. Pigs generally do not exceed the diet.

  • Technical points of cultivating Tenebrio Molitor in Distiller's grains

    Technical points of cultivating Tenebrio Molitor in Distiller's grains

    Technical points of cultivating Tenebrio Molitor in Distiller's grains

  • Is it okay to cultivate Pleurotus ostreatus with distiller's grains?

    Is it okay to cultivate Pleurotus ostreatus with distiller's grains?

    The high-yield methods of cultivating Pleurotus ostreatus and other edible fungi by using fresh distiller's grains are as follows: 1. Fresh brewer's grains adjust ph 8-9 with lime, add 3% of corn mixed powder and appropriate amount of sawdust according to wet weight, and adjust about 65% of the culture material. 2. After weighing the dry white distiller's grains, add 15% corn powder, 4% lime powder and 130% water to build a pile for fermentation. 3. The effect of high yield can be obtained by inoculating bacteria with bag aerated material, two-stage full transformation cultivation by border soil cover film mushroom production method or conventional mushroom production management. In order to make it easy for mushroom farmers to master, the key points here

  • How to use Wuliangye Distiller's grains

    How to use Wuliangye Distiller's grains

    How to use Wuliangye Distiller's grains

  • High-yielding techniques of cultivating Coprinus comatus with Distiller's grains

    High-yielding techniques of cultivating Coprinus comatus with Distiller's grains

    Distiller's grains is a good raw material for the cultivation of edible fungi. Its nutritional composition is suitable for the growth of hyphae such as Coprinus comatus, which can not only reduce the cost of edible mushroom production, but also solve environmental pollution. Distiller's grains contains a small amount of ethanol and active yeasts which are harmful to mycelial growth, with high acidity and a PH value of about 3 to 5. Choose the new.

  • The technique of cultivating Coprinus comatus with Distiller's grains

    The technique of cultivating Coprinus comatus with Distiller's grains

    Distiller's grains is a good raw material for the cultivation of edible fungi. Its nutritional composition is suitable for the growth of hyphae such as Coprinus comatus, which can not only reduce the cost of edible mushroom production, but also solve environmental pollution. Distiller's grains contains a small amount of ethanol and active yeasts which are harmful to mycelium growth, with high acidity and a pH value of about 3-5. Choose fresh.

  • Technology of producing Edible Fungi from Distiller's grains

    Technology of producing Edible Fungi from Distiller's grains

    1. Fresh brewer's grains adjust ph 8-9 with lime, add 3% corn powder and appropriate amount of sawdust according to wet weight, and adjust about 65% of the culture material. 2. After weighing the dry white distiller's grains, add 15% corn powder, 4% lime powder and 130% water to build a pile for fermentation. 3. The effect of high yield can be obtained by inoculating bacteria with bag aerated material, two-stage full transformation cultivation by border soil cover film mushroom production method or conventional mushroom production management. In order to make it easy for mushroom farmers to master, this paper focuses on the high-yield methods of cultivating Pleurotus ostreatus with fresh distiller's grains:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of pig distiller's grains poisoning

    Diagnosis and treatment of pig distiller's grains poisoning

    He Mou, Shilai Village, Yuping Town, uses the leftover distiller's grains from steaming wine and leftovers from restaurants, and adds some rice bran mixture to raise pigs. In early August 2006, 36 pigs were poisoned by distiller's grains, 4 died, 31 of the remaining 32 recovered after treatment, the cure rate was 96%. Clinical symptoms: loss of appetite or waste, digestive disorders, coarse hair, chronic emaciation, anemia, edema, shortness of breath, quadriplegia. The body temperature of 5 seriously poisoned pigs decreased, and 1 of them was below 36℃. Some of them are excited, OK

  • Benefits of feeding cattle in wine trough and matters needing attention

    Benefits of feeding cattle in wine trough and matters needing attention

    Benefits of feeding cattle in wine trough and matters needing attention

  • Matters needing attention in feeding pigs with distiller's grains

    Matters needing attention in feeding pigs with distiller's grains

    Matters needing attention in feeding pigs with distiller's grains
